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Kent Little League Baseball & Softball

Kent Little League Baseball & Softball

Kent Little League Fastpitch Divisions

Kent Little League is offering a full range of options from T-Ball for boys and girls ages 4 years and up to competitive Fastpitch Softball for players up to 16 years old. Please review the various divisions before registering and note that all teams will be assigned with player safety in mind.

Minors B Division (Ages 6 - 7)


Minors machine-pitch is for players ages 6-7, girls-only teams. Assesment is required (for safety purposes). There will be interleague play with other local Little League teams. No scores or standings are kept, and no umpire.

5 year old girls can play Minors B Softball only if they have played an official season of T-Ball. The Fastpitch Player Agent must approve registrations for 5 year olds to play Minors B.

REQUIRED EQUIPMENT: Mitt and cleats, softball pants (style selected by team managers). Personal helmet recommended.

Minors A Division Ages 8 - 12


This division is generally for girls ages 8-11 and some 12 year old players with a waiver, who are ready to learn to play kid-pitch fastpitch softball. (If your child has not played fastpitch before, this is the place to start.)

Player pitch from 35 feet, 60 foot diamond, approximately 14 - 16 games. Scores and standing are kept, and games are umpired by volunteer umpires. Interleague play with other Little League teams. Complete softball attire required. Assessment required.

REQUIRED EQUIPMENT: Mitt, rubber cleats, and softball pants (style selected by team managers). A personal batting helmet and bat are recommended.

Majors Divison, Ages 10 - 12


Majors Softball is for girls aged 10 - 12; 10 yr olds must try out for majors. Player pitch from 40 feet, 60 foot diamond, approximately 16 - 18 games are umpired by volunteer umpires. Interleague play with other Little League teams. Complete softball attire required. Assessment required.

REQUIRED EQUIPMENT: Mitt, rubber cleats, softball pants (style selected by team managers). A personal batting helmet and bat are recommended.

Juniors Division, Ages 13 - 14


Juniors Softball is for girls aged 13 and 14, and 12 year olds that pass a skill assessment. Player pitch, 60 foot diamond, approximately 14 - 18 games. Scores and standings are kept, and games are umpired by volunteer umpires. Interleague play with other District 10 teams with an occasional out of district game.

High school players are encouraged to play Little League as well, for additional playing time. Complete softball attire required. Assessment required.

REQUIRED EQUIPMENT: Mitt, metal or rubber cleats and softball pants (style selected by team managers). Personal helmet and bat recommended.


Kent Little League
Po Box 5731 
Kent, Washington 98064

Email: [email protected]

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