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Kent Little League Baseball & Fastpitch

Kent Little League Baseball & Fastpitch

Field Status

  • Ryan Brunner

    Updated: 03/23/24 8:34AM
    • 3
    • 2
    • 1
  • Ryan Brunner Batting Cages

    Updated: 05/24/24 11:12AM
    • Field 1
    • Field 2
    • Cage 5
    • Cages 1&3
    • Cages 2&4
  • Bonney Lake High School

    Updated: 08/30/24 10:42AM
    • 1
  • Northeast Tacoma Elementary

    Updated: 08/30/24 1:44PM
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
  • Downing Elementary

    Updated: 08/30/24 2:02PM
    • 1
  • Kent Rotary Field

    Updated: 03/23/24 9:16AM
    • KRF
  • Real Life Church

    Updated: 03/23/24 8:34AM
    • 1
    • Grass area
    • 2
    • Batting Cage


Kent Little League
Po Box 5731 
Kent, Washington 98064

Email: [email protected]

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