Kent Little League offers a wide range of options for boys and girls beginning with Tee Ball from 4 years of age up to competitive baseball and softball for players through age 16. Players will be assigned to teams with an emphasis on player development and safety. The registration fees for the 2024 season are as follows:
- Teeball, coed ages 4-6, $75
- Minor A, ages 6-8, $150
- Minor AA Evaluation division, ages 8-9, $225
- Minor AAA Evaluation division, ages 10-11, $250
- Majors Try out division, ages 10-12, $275
- Juniors, ages 13-14, $300
- Minor B, ages 6-8, $150
- Minor A Evaluation Division, ages 8-11, $225
- Majors Try out division, age 10-12, $ 250
- Juniors, ages 13-14, $275